We can only achieve a common goal together,
not next to each other and not one behind the other.
Quote: Monika Kühn-Görg
Ladies and Gentlemen
Our club is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting sports, culture and social issues. We bring people together and promote the common good in our region through our activities.
Our members are people of all ages and backgrounds who are committed to our goals and actively participate in our events. Whether it's sporting competitions, cultural events or social projects - we are always there and are committed with a lot of heart and passion.
We work closely with other local clubs and institutions and aim to make our region a better place. Our events are open to everyone and we attach great importance to making everyone welcome.
We welcome every new member who shares our vision and wants to support us. Together we can achieve great things!
Best regards,
Ibrahim Baltaci
GeBiKuS eV
Location - Herne
GeBiKuS eV
Association for Health, Education, Culture and Sports
Distelkamp 33
44651 Herne
E-Mail: info@gebikus.de
Location - Essen
GeBiKuS eV
Association for Health, Education, Culture and Sports
Gerichtsstraße 20
45355 Essen